What things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and child: general guidelines

What things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and child: general guidelines


When collecting things at the maternity hospital, future parents are guided by lists, which are available in unlimited quantities on the Internet and specialized publications. Let's try to figure out what a woman in labor needs to take to the hospital for herself and her baby.

A bag with things to take to the hospital should be prepared and collected in advance. It is better to do it 2-4 weeks before the expected delivery date. Discuss what things to take to the hospital, the first thing to do with the staff of the hospital where you are going to give birth. Each institution has its own rules about the items and clothing allowed for mother and child to be taken. Most maternity hospitals also provide basic necessities for the mother and baby. 

What to take at the maternity clinic for mother:

1. A robe and a nightgown with buckles on the chest so that each time she breastfeeds, she does not bother with unnecessary movements and wasting extra time.

2. A long t-shirt or shirt that you will give birth in; 

3. Rubber slippers, socks, underwear; 

4. Special protective cotton pads for breastfeeding should be highlighted in the list of personal hygiene products.


What to take to the maternity hospital for your baby:

1. Body and body styles, slips or sliders with a blouse, warm jackets, knitted cap or cap, socks;

2.Diapers. Several thin and thick diapers. A newborn baby in the hospital needs diapers regardless of whether you plan to swaddle him later or not;

3.A couple of pacifiers  for newborns (if parents are not their opponents);

4.A towel;

5.A set for discharge (can be brought on the day of discharge);

6.Disposable diapers. Suitable size of disposable nappies for newborns - 3-6 kg;

7.Moisturizing baby cream;

8.Wet napkins, alcohol-free and safe for newborns.

All of the above is our recommendation. And it is necessary to consult with your doctor before gathering at the hospital in order not to forget something very necessary or not to take something without which you could do without.