The Tale of Arschlusik

The Tale of Arschlusik


Hello, dear baby, you must already know our Arshalusik, who lives in the most beautiful parts of the Armenian Highland. Here we want to tell you a fascinating story about his kindness and friendliness.

The Arshalusik is very kind! Once he learned that his friends cannot wake up on time in the morning and are always late for work. Since then he has decided that now he will fly over the forest every morning and wake his dear friends with his cheerful singing. That's what he did.For many years, everybody has gotten used to waking up in the morning to the beautiful singing of Arsalusik. Nobody thanked him for it, but it didn't prevent the little bird from doing her duty diligently. But one day the Arshalusik hurt his wings and couldn't fly. That day, everyone woke up late. In the woods, everybody wonders where the Arshalusik is. When they found out that their little friend had been injured, they gathered and made a unanimous decision: "The Arshalusik is our kind and selfless friend, he wakes us up every morning and now he needs our help, we should thank him with our care and help".And everybody got to work. Hedgehogs Lala and Lele brought delicious food on their spikes, Lala carried Arshalusika on their horns, they walked together, stork Franklin flew to the pharmacy every day and brought medicine and a bandage for his friend. And turtle Kaitsuk stayed with Arshalusik, reading interesting stories for him so he wouldn't get bored.Soon the Arshalusik recovered and he continued his favorite activity, admired and inspired by the warm attitude of his friends. You see, no good deed just goes away, it always comes back in double size ...